Can we really automate music creation?


Inspired by Lil’ Louis’s New Dance Beat. Build a machine that churns out enough music to fill 24x7 radio stream.
Music that is bearable. Airport music. Chill out music. Hardly music.


A machine that generates random noise.

What did I learn?

  1. I created the machine so I created the music. Own the sound, don’t blame the machine that it sounds boring.

  2. Don’t expect miracles from randomness. Shit in, shit out.

  3. The possible variations of music are vast.

  4. Music (and art) is a form of communication.

  5. Communicating randomness is not interesting.

  6. Good music has a tangible component that can spark memories, interest and emotion.

  7. To make good music is to tell a good story.


Good story telling requires context. It requires cultural and societal knowledge. A plot, a journey. It takes you somewhere. It makes you feel a certain way.

How does storytelling relate to music?

Is it possible to artificially build into the music the ideas of journey, emotion, beginning / middle / end, twists and surprises?

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